Doctor in Physical Chemistry of condensed matter
I search a symbiosis between the arts and the sciences. They interact to feed my creativity. It allows me to interpret the matter.
Professional Experience
2017 to now
Postdoctoral position, INSA Toulouse: Nanoxerogaphy inside a microfluidic chip. Bulding a full microfluidic setup with a new kind of chip and its adaptated optic.
2017 to now
Postdoctoral position, INSA Toulouse: Nanoxerogaphy inside a microfluidic chip. Bulding a full microfluidic setup with a new kind of chip and its adaptated optic.
End of 2016
Researcher at BioArt Laboratory: Studing laminar flows in soap films. Art & Science project. Eindhoven, Netherlands
Career gap due to the redaction of my own research projects: «3D printed microfluidic», «Opto-geometric macro-crystals» and «Chipless microfluidic».
PhD - CNRS: synthesis and characterization of soft-matter dispersion for acoustics application. Micro-beads are made from sol-gel chemistry with microfluidics tools. Different characterizations have been made on microfluidic ships, chemical reaction and micro-beads (Raman, rheology, flow calibration, mechanical measurement, etc).
University of Bordeaux 1 (France), CNRS, CRPP, Pr Olivier Mondain-Monval (
CNRS, LOF, Research Scientist Jacques Leng (
CNRS, LOF, Research Scientist Jacques Leng (
Internship - CNRS: synthesis and characterization of fluorined emulsions for acoustics application. Droplets are made with a tri-axial robot and a syringes pump. University of Bordeaux 1 (France), CNRS, CRPP, Pr Olivier Mondain-Monval (
Internship - IREU: Evaluation of Crystallization Stability of TeO2-WO3 Based Glass for Raman Gain Fiber Amplifiers.
Clemson University (South Carolina, USA), COMSET, Pr Kathleen Richardson (
Internship: Polyisoprene (natural rubber) synthesized via cationic polymerization. These syntheses were followed by NMR and FTIR characterization.
University of Bordeaux 1 (France), LCPO, S.R Frédéric Peruch (frederic.peruch@
Tutoring in Chemistry for First year students, University of Bordeaux 1 (France)
Technical skills
Sciences : formulation, soft-matter chemistry, polymerization, microfluidic, spectroscopy (Raman, UV-vis, FTIR), optical microscopy, image analysis
Arts : braiding wire, modeling, molding, carving, comics, working on optical resin, flow of pigment, plastic welding, costume design, performing
Data processing : Matlab, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Office, Endnote
Professional skills
Teamwork, interdisciplinary knowledge sharing, communication with a specialized public, developing a research project, fluent English (work experience in the USA and the Netherlands), building full setups (soap film & microfluidic)
PhD : Physical Chemistry of condensed matter, Microfluidic Synthesis of Soft Acoustic Metamaterials. University of Bordeaux 1
Master’s Degree : Polymers and colloids. University of Bordeaux 1
Bachelor’s Degree : Materials Chemistry. University of Bordeaux 1
Solo exhibition at the "Galerie Wilhelm Blais", Bordeaux, France (26/04/2018 to 12/05/2018)
Exhibition «Ho couleurs ! Le design au prisme de la couleur» at the MADD (decorative-art & design museum of Bordeaux, 06/26/2017 to 12/03/2017)
Exhibition «Ho couleurs ! Le design au prisme de la couleur» at the MADD (decorative-art & design museum of Bordeaux, 06/26/2017 to 12/03/2017)
Exhibitions with the platform «It’s Liquid» at Venice (Anima Mundi festival) and Buenos Aires (Alchemic Body).
DDW (Dutch Design Week) with the BioArt Laboratory: The essence of flow.
Inaugural Exhibition of “Chemin faisant“ (Volume XVI - Manifeste de la pensée divergente) with the associations Pas Communs, Cirque Eclaire, les Sauvages Colorés , CRI PRIMATE and Art’Kileptik, Bordeaux, France
Art Cru Museum : inaugural exhibition of “Chemin faisant“ (Volume XIV - Dans la peau de) with the associations Pas Communs and Art’Kileptik, Bordeaux, France
“Macules et Créations“ with the association Art’Kileptik. Bègles, France
2014 November 26-29 2014 : CNR, The Robots are coming home to Prague, Golem Works. Prague, Czech Republic
2014 November 26-29 2014 : CNR, The Robots are coming home to Prague, Golem Works. Prague, Czech Republic
Multiple street performances with costumes, Bordeaux, France
Raffy family exhibition : painting, sculpting, design, ect. Bordeaux, France
Garage Moderne : exhibition with the collective "Kinder Garden". Bordeaux, France
S. Raffy, B. Mascaro, T. Brunet, O. Mondain-Monval, J. Leng, A Soft 3D Acoustic Metafluid with Dual-Band Negative Refractive Index. Advanced Materials, 2015. 10.1002/adma.201503524
B. Mascaro, T. Brunet, O. Poncelet, C. Aristégui, S. Raffy, O. Mondain-Monval, J. Leng, Impact of polydispersity on multipolar resonant scattering in emulsions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013. 133(4).
T. Brunet, S. Raffy, B. Mascaro, J. Leng, R. Wunenburger, O. Mondain-Monval, O. Poncelet, C. Aristégui, Sharp acoustic multipolar-resonances in highly monodisperse emulsions, Applied Physics Letters 101, 011913 (2012) pp. 1-4
X. Hu, G. Guery, J.D. Musgraves, D. Vanderveer, J. Boerstler, N. Carlie, P. Wachtel, S. Raffy, R. Stolen, K. Richardson, Processing and characterization of transparent TeO2–Bi2O3–ZnO glass ceramics, Journal of non-crystalline solids, 357(21) 2011
Cover “L’Actualité Chimique“, June 2014 (386)
Video : Treenity [irl] - Simon Raffy est “PolyPoly“
Video knock knock doc, product by mysciencework :
Knock Knock Doc - Episode 10 # Saison 2 : Les ondes chimériques
Knock Knock Doc - Episode 10 # Saison 2 : Les ondes chimériques
Art Contests
First prize “Images de Chimistes“
Participation in «Concours Jeune Création»
«Géométrie de la couleur» at the MADD (decorative-art & design museum of Bordeaux) for «Les jeudis du musée».
«Géométrie de la couleur» at the MADD (decorative-art & design museum of Bordeaux) for «Les jeudis du musée».
S. Raffy, B. Mascaro, T. Brunet, O. Poncelet, C. Aristégui, O. Mondain-Monval , J. Leng, Microfluidic Synthesis of Soft Acoustic Metamaterials, Liquids 2014, Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon